Plant Passion Pro

How To Care Black Pagoda Lipstick Plant

June 25, 2024 | by Noor Nahar Tarin

Black Pagoda Lipstick Plant

Black Lipstick Pagoda Aeschynanthus radicans, also known as ‘Black Pagoda,’ blooms with a beautiful yellow flower. The black pagoda lipstick plant is a perfect houseplant for beginners because it is easy to care for.

It tolerates drought easily and can thrive in low to medium light. The black pagoda is excellent for hanging baskets with its beautiful cascading growth habit.

It has dark green mottled leaves and bright orange flowers. The Black Pagoda Lipstick plant will brighten any room with flowers year-round!

What is Black Lipstick Pagoda?

The ‘Black Pagoda’ lipstick plant, scientifically known as Aeschynanthus longicaulis ‘Black Pagoda’, is famous for its attractive foliage and vibrant flowers.

The leaves are deep green, almost black, marked with intricate light-coloured veins that create an exciting contrast.

About the black Pagoda lipstick plant

Black pagoda lipstick plant information

Light exposure: bright indirect light, medium light

Care Requirements: Easy

Watering Requirements: Average: When the top 2 inches of soil is dry.

Pets Allowed: Yes

Kid Friendly: Yes

Air Purifier: Com

Habit: Creeping

Growth Rate: Fast

Mature height: 12-24 inches

Mature spread: 1-2 feet

Flower Color(s): Orange

Fragrance: Yes

Leaf Type: Variegated

Leaf Color(s): Green, Orange

Temperature: 60° – 85°F (16° – 29°C)

Humidity: Medium – High

Common name: Black Pagoda lipstick plant

Other Name(s): Black Pagoda

Scientific Name: Aeschynanthus longicaulis ‘Black Pagoda’

Plant type: Indoor plant

Best location to grow black pagoda lipstick plant

Black pagoda lipstick is suitable for hanging plant baskets. This plant will thrive anywhere in your home with plenty of morning sun.

It will grow more vigorously in warmer climates, with a minimum temperature tolerance of 60 degrees Fahrenheit.


Ideal Growing Conditions

Grow the lipstick plant in a warm, humid environment like a bathroom in bright but indirect sunlight. Water regularly, but drain the water entirely from the pot and do not let its roots stand still in water. Mist regularly to increase humidity.

Light requirements

The black pagoda lipstick plant thrives in bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight can burn the leaves, so it’s best to place it near an east or north-facing window where it can get filtered light. If natural light is insufficient, especially in winter, consider using grow lights as a supplement.

Temperature and humidity preferences

This plant prefers warm temperatures from 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C) and enjoys high humidity similar to its native tropical environment.

The black pagoda lipstick plant does not need excess moisture. Plants absorb most of their water through their root systems rather than their leaves, so the best way to keep your plants moist is to water the soil.



Greg has no definitive information on this plant’s toxicity. If you, a family member, or a pet has ingested unknown toxic plant material, it is always best to consult a doctor.


Soil and pot

The absent pagoda lipstick plant does best in well-drained soil. Good soil contains plenty of organic matter, such as coconut fibre and perlite or vermiculite, to aid drainage. Adding a handful of perlite to store-bought potting soil should do the trick!


The best type of soil

A well-drained potting mix is ​​crucial for the Black Pagoda Lipstick plant. A mixture of peat moss, perlite and orchid bark works well. This mixture ensures that the roots do not sit in water, which can cause them to rot.

Tips for potting and container options

Choose a pot with drainage holes to prevent water pooling at the bottom. Terracotta pots are a good option as they allow good air circulation. When repotting, ensure the plant is at the same depth as its previous pot so as not to stress the roots.

Water required

Generally, you should water your lipstick plant every 2-3 weeks, but this can vary depending on the light it receives. The more light it gets, the faster it dries.

Overwatering can cause root rot, so be careful. Reduce watering frequency during the winter months, when plants are less active.

How often to water

Water the black pagoda lipstick plant when the top inch of soil is dry. Too much water can be as harmful as insufficient water, so finding a balance is essential.

Generally, watering once a week is sufficient, but this can vary depending on the plant’s environment.

High or low water mark

Yellowing leaves may indicate overwatering, while dry or dry, shrivelled leaves may indicate underwatering. Adjust your watering schedule accordingly to keep the plant healthy.

Feeding and fertilization

Caring for lipstick plants begins with aerated soil and proper fertilization. A liquid fertilizer with a 3-2-1 NPK ratio works well as long as the soil is kept moist.

As part of the fertilization program, be sure to add a small amount of vitamins to the potting soil.

Recommended fertilizers

Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer diluted in half. Fertilize every two to four weeks during the growing season (spring and summer).

Feeding schedule and tips

Avoid fertilizing in the fall and winter when plant growth slows. Over-fertilizing can cause salts to build up in the soil, damaging the roots.

Pruning and maintenance

Prune the lipstick plant after it stops blooming. Flowers bloom at the tips of new stems, and pruning vines before flowering delays flowering. However, good pruning after flowering helps the plant produce more flowers.

When and how to prune

Prune the tree regularly to maintain its shape and encourage bushier growth. Remove any dead or yellow leaves and cut off the flowers to keep the plant looking its best.

General maintenance tips

Look for dust on the leaves and wipe gently with a damp cloth. This helps plants photosynthesize more efficiently.

Methods of propagation

Remove lower leaves, cut diagonally below a leaf node (10 to 15 cm) and place three lipstick plant cuttings at least 5 cm deep in the same pot. Water the substrate well and cover the pot with a plastic bag to ensure constant high humidity.

stem cutting

The most effective way to propagate the Black Pagoda Lipstick plant is by stem cuttings. Cut a healthy stem below a node, remove the lower leaves, and place the cutting in water or moist potting mix. Roots should develop within a few weeks.

Other promotional strategies

Although stem cuttings are the most common method, if the plant is large enough to be divided into smaller sections, you can propagate by division.

Black pagoda lipstick plant transplant

Black pagoda lipstick plants should be transplanted once they have doubled in size or once a year, whichever comes first.

Fresh potting soil contains all the nutrients your plants need, so as long as it is renewed annually, you won’t need to use fertilizer. Remember, plants get their energy from sunlight, not fertilizer!

When to replace

Report your black pagoda lipstick plant every two to three years or when you see roots growing in the drainage hole.

A step-by-step transplant guide

  • Choose a slightly larger pot with drainage holes.
  • Fill the new pot with fresh potting mix.
  • Carefully remove the plant from its current pot, not damaging the roots.
  • Place the plant in the new pot and fill it with soil around it, ensuring it is at the same depth as before.
  • Water thoroughly and plant in a suitable location.

Seasonal Care Tips

Expect to water more frequently in bright and less regularly in low-light conditions. Lipstick Plant Black Pagoda will do well in a medium-humidity environment but will appreciate a little moisture if provided. Mist it daily, or get a humidifier.

Adapt care to different seasons

During the growing season (spring and summer), watering and feeding increase as the plant grows. During the dormant period (fall and winter), watering should be reduced, and fertilization should be stopped to avoid stressing the plant.

Special considerations for winter and summer

In winter, keep the plant away from cold drafts and heaters that can dry out the air. In summer, provide plenty of moisture and keep the plant out of direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn.

Decorative Uses

How to Incorporate the Plant into Home Decor

Due to its climbing nature, the black pagoda lipstick plant is a beautiful hanging plant. It can be placed on shelves or in decorative containers to add a touch of greenery to any room.

Companion plants and design ideas

Combine the black pagoda lipstick plant with other tropical plants, such as ferns and philodendrons, for a lush, jungle-like feel. Its unique foliage complements minimalist decorating styles.

Benefits of Black Pagoda Lipstick Plant

The Black Pagoda Lipstick Plant is not just a feast for the eyes; It is the champion of clean air. Its leaves work overtime, absorbing unwanted chemicals in the air and giving us clean air.

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), the invisible culprits of indoor pollution, are no match for these plants’ purifying abilities.

Air purifying properties

Like many houseplants, the black pagoda lipstick plant helps purify the air by removing toxins and improving indoor air quality.

Psychological and aesthetic benefits

Having plants nearby can reduce stress and improve mood. The Black Pagoda Lipstick plant, with its beautiful leaves and flowers, adds a touch of nature that can brighten up any space.

Common pests and diseases

Black pagoda lipstick plants can be susceptible to aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs. Inspect your plants periodically for signs of infection, such as sticky residue or mildew.

Spider Mites

Leaf webbing and blistered leaves are characteristic of mite attack. These insects are almost invisible, but they do not harm.

To drive them away, a strong stream of water or predatory insects such as ladybugs can be your first line of defence. For persistent problems, organic acaricides are the weapon of choice.

Scale insects

Scale insects blend in deceptively, disguising themselves as bumps on stems and leaves. Due to their protective armour, they are challenging to fight. Removing them manually or using horticultural oil can help keep these sticky opponents at bay.

Fungus hatchlings and fruit flies

If you notice small flies around your plants, they are probably fungus gnats or fruit flies. These flying pests prefer moist soil and overripe fruit. Reduce watering and use sticky traps or a diluted neem oil solution to ground them.

Disease prevention and treatment

To prevent disease, ensure good air circulation around the plant and avoid overwatering. If you see any signs of disease, such as mould or mildew, treat immediately with a fungicide or remove affected areas.


What is the best way to propagate the black pagoda lipstick plant?

The best way to propagate this plant is by stem cuttings. Cut a healthy stem below a node, remove the lower leaves and place in water or moist soil until roots develop.

Can you grow lipstick plants from seed?

Although these plants are easy to grow from cuttings, it is possible to germinate lipstick plants from seed.

How do I know if my plant is getting too much light?

If your plant’s leaves look discoloured or develop brown spots, it may receive too much direct sunlight. Move it to a location with bright, indirect light.

Can Black Pagoda Lipstick Plant Grow Outdoors?

Yes, but only in hot and humid weather. It can be kept outside in a shaded area during summer but should be brought indoors when the temperature drops.

What should I do if my leaves turn yellow?

Yellow leaves may indicate overwatering. Check the soil moisture and adjust your watering schedule accordingly. Make sure the container has adequate drainage.

How Often Should I Fertilize My Black Pagoda Lipstick Plant?

Fertilize every two to four weeks during the growing season with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer diluted at half strength. Avoid fertilizing in fall and winter.


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