Plant Passion Pro

Lipstick Plant: Care and Propagation Tips

April 17, 2024 | by Noor Nahar Tarin

lipstick plant

A lipstick plant (Aeschynanthus radicals) is a houseplant with red or maroon tubular flowers that resemble an individual lipstick tube. They are members of the Gesneriaceae flower family.

The lipstick plant is a beautiful flowering houseplant prized for its glossy leaves and attractive flowers. It gets its name because the flower buds peek out from the dark-colored tube, which looks like a miniature lipstick tube.

Lipstick Plant Benefits

  • Adds vibrant color and drama to any interior space.
  • Air purifying and low maintenance, ideal for busy lifestyles.

It symbolizes passion and love, with benefits for mental well-being. Lipstick Vine is more than just a pretty face; It is a true air purifier. This vibrant plant uses indoor air pollutants like a champ, especially formaldehyde and toluene. These are two common volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that you don’t want in your living room.

Lipstick Plant Care

Lipstick Plant: Care and Propagation Tips

Here are the primary care requirements for growing a lipstick plant:

  • Please place it in a location with bright, filtered light.
  • Maintain average humidity levels and protection from sudden temperature changes.
  • Maintain consistent humidity throughout the growing season, considering the plant’s sensitivity to excess water.
  • Use a loose, well-draining potting mix.
  • Feed regularly with diluted fertilizer throughout the growing season.


Lipstick plants need bright but filtered light to thrive. Too much direct sunlight can cause leaf burn and too little results in wilting and leaf drop.


In their native humid, tropical regions, these plants typically grow in nearly soil-free environments and often root in branches or rock crevices. Heavy potting soil can cause root rot.


Although lipstick plants prefer constant moisture, especially during peak growth, overwatering and soggy conditions can cause root rot, leaf drop, and fungal problems.

Moderate watering is good. Ideally, keep the potting medium from drying out completely and water when the top few inches are no longer wet.

Temperature and Humidity

The ideal temperature for healthy flowering lipstick plants is between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit are not perfect and usually cause leaf drop. As a tropical species, it appreciates heat and high humidity. Regular spraying is recommended to keep the plant healthy. Misting should be done in the morning to discourage fungal leaf spot disease.

Pruning and Propagation

This plant will not need pruning unless you want to remove damaged or dead growth. New vines will grow from the base of the plant, and as such, the growth pattern is quite pleasing and will fill in naturally with little intervention required. Propagation in water is quick and easy. Trim the lower leaves from your cutting and place that node in water; It will take root easily.

Plant into the ground when the roots are about 2-3″ long. Water the new growth frequently for the first few weeks, then adjust for dryness between waterings.


These plants usually don’t have pest problems, but occasionally, they can contract aphids, mites, or mealybugs. Neem oil cures any problem.


Lipstick plants are safe for dogs and cats, yes! Note that reactions can also occur with “safe” plants. In general, pets or people should be prohibited from chewing the plants.

Types of Lipstick Plants

Given the popularity of the lipstick plant, it is not surprising that several cultivars have been developed. There are 23 different species of lipstick plants.

Some of the most available include:

  • Black pagoda lipstick plant.
  • Cassiopeia lipstick plant.
  • Curly Q lipstick plant.
  • Krakow lipstick plant. …
  • Mini Variety Lipstick Plant. …
  • Mona Lisa’s lipstick tree. …
  • Road lipstick plants. …
  • Red lipstick plant.

How to Grow Lipstick Plants from Seed

  • Although these plants are easy to grow from cuttings, it is possible to germinate lipstick plants from seed.
  • Sow the plants in a seed-starting mix.
  • The medium should only lightly cover the seeds.
  • Keep the pot at about 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Seedlings will begin to sprout in about two weeks.

Indoor Lipstick Plant

Indoors, the plant prefers bright, indirect light. In warm climates throughout the year, the plant needs sunlight with partial shade. As a houseplant, you need to find a location where the plant receives bright, indirect sunlight. Do not expose your lipstick plant to direct sunlight. The leaves will die. This plant likes the soil to be constantly moist. Slightly moist to the touch. It is important not to overwater your plant.

Propagate a Lipstick Plant


  • First, clean the scissors you are using.
  • Place the scissors under hot water and clean thoroughly. This prevents you from unnecessarily transferring bacteria during breeding.
  • Do you have disinfectants or pure alcohol? Sterilize equipment after using hot water. Let’s get rid of that bacteria and fungus!

Take cuttings

It is better to choose a young stem with at least five leaves. We recommend cutting multiple stems. Unfortunately, lipstick plant propagation is not always successful.

Removing the lower leaves from the cuttings is best when you’re done cutting.

Apply Rooting Hormone

Do you have sharp dust in your house? Then, you can apply cutting powder to the “open wound” of the cut. Let the powder dry well!

No cutting powder? No problem. You can easily promote without it. However, the use of cutting powder can stimulate root growth. So it is an exciting option to consider.

Taking Care of The Cutting

Press the cuttings into the potting soil.

Lipstick plant cuttings take a long time to root. It takes about two months for roots to develop on the cutting.

Lipstick Plant for Pots and Transplants

Report your lipstick plant when it has roots and outgrows its current container. Do this early or after a vigorous spring and summer flowering season.

Carefully remove the root ball from the existing container, gently shaking off the old potting mix. Cut off dead roots with sterile scissors or pruning shears. Replant in a pot one to two inches more significant than the original, using fresh, loose, well-drained potting mix.

Common Plant Pests and Diseases

Lipstick plants generally do not have significant pest problems, although aphids, scale insects, and mite problems can occur occasionally.

If plants are allowed to get too wet, they can develop fungal problems and leaf spots.

How to Make a Lipstick Plant Bloom

You will see red flowers year-round on your lipstick plant if you give it the proper care and conditions.

The Month of Flowers

Although lipstick plants can flower year-round as long as their basic cultural needs are met, flowers bloom in spring and summer. Correcting a deficiency in these requirements usually returns the plant to reliable flowering.

How Long Does The Lipstick Plant Bloom?

Depending on your conditions, individual blooms can last anywhere from a few days to a week. The entire flowering season is quite long, and you can enjoy a continuous display of these attractive flowers for several weeks.

How do Lipstick Plant Flowers Look and Smell?

The lipstick plant has vibrant red tubular flowers in burgundy flower buds that grow in clusters. It also has glossy, waxy green leaves and a cascading, vine-like habit, making it ideal for use in hanging baskets or tall containers.

After Caring for The Lipstick Plant, it Blooms

Once the lipstick plant has finished flowering, you can prune it back considerably. New shoot tips will form buds, so you should wait until the end of the season unless your plant is already particularly messy. Good pruning will encourage more blooms the following season.

Common lipstick plant problems

Lipstick plants can generally maintain good health in the right environment. If your plant shows any of these symptoms, you must check the light, soil, and temperature conditions and ensure they are optimal for plant growth.

Dropping Leaves

It may be too cold if you notice the leaves turning yellow and then falling off. Place this plant where temperatures do not drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit and where the soil is above 60 degrees.

Wilted Appearance

If your lipstick plant is generally dry, it needs more water. Water your plant regularly, but ensure the potting soil drains well to prevent root rot and fungal growth that eventually kills the plant. Ensure your plant gets enough light to prevent it from wilting.

Slow Growth

If your plant’s growth slows down or stops during the busy season, move it to a new pot. To avoid emergency replacement, check the roots regularly. If they circle the bottom of the pot or push through the drainage hole, it’s time to transplant them to a larger pot.


As a houseplant, it should be planted in a well-draining potting mix. If the plant receives adequate heat, moisture, and filtered sunlight, it will enjoy a magnificent display of flowers throughout the year, with the most abundant displays in summer and fall.


Do Lipstick Plants Need Sunlight?

Lipstick plants need adequate light to thrive, but direct sunlight can overwhelm them. Too little light for this houseplant can cause leaf drop, while too much can burn plants. To mitigate direct sun exposure, place them where they will receive plenty of bright indirect light, offset by some shade.

Is Lipstick Plant Good for Home?

The lipstick plant is widely grown as a popular houseplant. This flowering plant is known for its attractive flowers and glossy leaves. Since it needs indirect sunlight, it is best placed indoors. Use a moist, well-aerated growing medium when growing a lipstick plant in a container.

What is The Real Name of The Lipstick Plant?

Aeschynanthus radical, a lipstick plant or lipstick vine, is a Malaysian evergreen epiphytic vine with slender, arching stems from the plant’s branches. It has long, red, cylindrical flowers in dense terminal clusters.

How do you make a Lipstick Plant Bush?

Aim for the longest stems; cut them to a third of their length. This encourages a fuller, more compact plant. Always cut just above the leaf nodes, those little bumps on the stem where the leaves sprout.

What is The Best Soil Mix for Lipstick Plants?

The ideal soil mix is peat, perlite, and pine bark. Terracotta pots are recommended for their breathability and drainage.


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